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You may have noticed these troubleshooting icons at the top right corner of your screen while playing Deceive Inc. These visual aids indicate moments where connections were not optimal. 
If sporadic, no action is needed as it is expected behavior for online games. 
If you encounter these regularly, or if you can see an impact on your game experience, please read the following to try and better your situation. 



This issue relates directly to detecting a high ping from the server to the client.
This may result in players experiencing delays in some gameplay interactions and possibly game elements rubber-banding.

It may be caused by playing on a far-away server region, or by the availability of the shared internet connection on the local network.

To fix Connection lag, the first step is making sure your local network is optimal. You can take an internet speed test to confirm this. We recommend switching from Wi-Fi to ethernet when possible. Secondly, go to the Deceive Inc. settings. Under "General", try different options under "Matchmaking Server Region". 


This indicates that we detected network packets getting lost in transit and needed to be re-sent.
This may result in players experiencing delays in some gameplay interactions and possibly game elements rubber-banding if this situation persists.

This will be more frequent on Wi-Fi connections but will also happen on any general network connections using the internet.

To fix Packet loss warning, switch from Wi-Fi to ethernet when possible. It is also recommended to power cycle your router and try changing the ethernet ports. You can also go into your router settings to update firmware or activate Quality of Service (QoS) settings.



This indicates that a dip in server performance was detected.
This may result in players experiencing delays in some gameplay interactions and possibly game elements rubber-banding if this situation persists.

This may be caused by complex computations briefly needed on the server side of things, or by delays in resources being loaded on the server.

Normally, Server performance warning fixes itself. If you experience prolonged Server performance warning with noticeable impact on gameplay. Reach out to us with both the time it happened and the region you are in or

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