Greetings Agents,
By clicking on "Privacy Notice", you can learn about what info Sweet Bandits Studios collects when you use its Software Product, as well as how they use it and share it. Sweet Bandits Studios can only describe its own practices. The Privacy Notice does not apply to third parties they don't control or own, including other companies you might interact with on or through the Sweet Bandits Studios Software Product.
By clicking on "End User License Agreement", you will read the terms and conditions by which Sweet Bandits Studios offers you access to use and enjoy Deceive Inc.™ These Terms are an agreement between you and Sweet Bandits Studios when using its Software Product. Please read these Terms carefully.
Attention Parents!
Please be aware of our game rating info about age appropriateness. We also encourage you to supervise your child’s online activities, review the content they are accessing and, as appropriate, monitor their social interactions. For more info on game ratings and content descriptors, please check your local ratings system.